I often mention Shoe Porn and no one around me has any idea what I'm talking about. So today I'm going to explain the wonder of shoe porn.
Your typical porn magazine provides visual fantasy for the reader, they look at the photos of highly airbrushed women in supposedly sexy poses and they...well lets be honest they use these images to get off. It's about looking at something they may consider beautiful, hot, sexy or naughty and using it to bring on a visceral experience(orgasm anyone).
Shoe porn is similar, but instead of ogling the pages of Playboy you ogle Vogue. While you can get a shoe anywhere there aren't many of us who can drop $1000 on a pair of fuckhawt Luboutin's, so they become an object of fantasy. Something pretty and unattainable that is fun to look at. And while admiring shoes does not lead to heavy breathing and screaming(unless you are kinky that way)a person who appreciates the beauty of a shoe feels happy after admiring the pretty.
And it can at times be a more tactile experience, because unlike the women who live on the pages of magazines and in DVD players you can easily purchase a shoe that makes you happy or feel hot.
This brings me to my next point the shoegasm. Similar to an orgasm, a shoegasm is the sense of euphoria that comes over a person when they find that perfect shoe. It can come in many forms, a big a loud "FUCK YES!" brought on by a hot stiletto, or a happy cry of "pretty, pretty,pretty, pretty" brought on my a girlie sandal, or a soft whimper of "oooooh" brought on by changing into an uber comfortable pair of Ugg boots after a long day of stomping the streets of NYC in heels.
Finally there is my comparison of types shoes & types of lovers---

This shoe is the equivalent of the Badboy---it's dark and dangerous and it makes you feel tough and hot by association.

This is the "I kissed a Girl" or the girl on girl shoe if you will, eternally soft, frilly, romantic and pretty it can not be tied to masculine energy in any way.

The Husband-Tried and true this shoe is the guy you have been married to for 20 years. he knows you and supports you and is reliable if nothing else.

This is the Musician-The musician is cool, sexy, slightly aloof, and adds an air of badass. You're the cool chick if you're hanging out with the band and you're the cool chick if you're wearing this shoe.

This is the Debonair shoe, it could be new or it could be vintage. It's kind of like the Pierce Brosnan or Sean Connery of shoes. It's classic and beautiful and just as good if not better 20 years down the line.
So that's my definition of shoe porn. I will frequently add a pic or post on new examples of shoe porn. So now that I sufficiently made myself look like some kinky foot fetishist (I assure you I have no such fetish) I shall sign off and get to thinking about my next topic of conversation.
SOSO good and funny! Man though, that shoe which you were told was too provocative for work (the BADBOY) is SOSOSO hot! I thought what you meant by show porn was all about that one - cuz it shows so little flesh in such a big naughty way- and its kind of like foot cleavage! Loved seeing the husband too - you're SO right! You may be like coining this stuff and you really need to write for a fashion magazine!! Keep this blog up it just may happen - I'm willing it to happen!