The final trailer for Eclipse premiered on Oprah today. It is ten times better than the teaser which was so tame and not indictive of the action and suspense of the Eclipse story. However it is not perfect. I'll break down the good and the bad:
The Good:
The New Born Army -their plan to kill Bella is one of the two big plot points in the book(the other is Bella's decision to stay with Edward and turn vamp or go to Jacob and stay human). The arrival of the army culminates in a huge fight between the good vamps(Cullen's)and their new allies the wolf-pack vs bad vamps(newborns). It will be special effect heavy because of the wolves and action packed because of the physical fighting between the vamps played by human actors. It had to be included and the trailer and it worked well it adds an air of suspense and thrills as we get to see our gentile Cullen's kick some ass.
The scene of them emerging from the river looks amazing. Can't wait to see it on the big screen.

Bad Ass Edward-We see Edward fighting and after his storyline dictated reduced role in New Moon seeing him in thick of action if welcome and exciting. Love the scene where he knocks down the tree Victoria is hiding in.

The Cullen's-We missed the family in New Moon and they play a huge role in Eclipse by fighting to save Bella and protect their family it's good to see them back and appropriately featured in the trailer.

The bad
Where is the love?-While the teaser showed glimpses of the triangle and the love story this final trailer gives us almost nothing, although we do see Edward place the engagement ring in her hand. They needed to find a way to adequately merge these plot points together in the trailer as they make up the focus of the movie. The way it stands right now it seems that the teaser trailer was the "chick trailer" focusing on love and proposals and the final trailer was the "dude trailer" as it focused on action. Although I do love that they have not given away the actual scene where we see him propose and her accept that huge piece of the saga should not be wasted in the commercials.

Dialogue--As in where is it? The teaser had voice overs throughout but the dialogue in this trailer ends about 30 seconds into it which is seriously confusing as the trailer jumping from place to place, angry Jacob, the Cullen's, the fight, back to the Cullen's then Victoria. The films directors do not cut the trailers but maybe they should, as they better than anyone know the narrative of the movie.

Lack of Bella-Umm pretty sure this is Bella's story but we got more Jacob than Bella, only quick flashes of her face and reactions shots.

With less than 2 months until the premiere the production has come under fire recently as word has spread that last minute re-shoots are being filmed next week. Re-shoots at the 11th hour are not a good indication however Summit entertainment is stating that they are not re-shoots of crucial scenes but pick ups (minor add ons to complete existing material). I have no clue which is the true story but what I do know is that I like millions of other Twihards will be at the theater at 12:01 am on June 30th, bring on the Eclipse!!! And for goodness sakes get a freaking move on with the filming of Breaking Dawn, Rob Pattinson will be 24 on May 13th and the dude looks like he's aged alot since Twilight which doesn't work well for the supposedly eternally 17 year old Edward.
Speaking of May 13, the TWIFECTA (Rob, Kristen, Taylor or Edward, Bella, Jacob) will be on Oprah that day! Pretty hypocritical of Oprah if you ask me, considering that she has verbally written off the Saga on her show but is now seemingly saying hey lets get the actors on my show because everyone else and their mama has.
I'm a bit skeptical about this interview, we have seen the tree interviewed together in the past and they are usually good and funny interviews but we have also seen Stewart shut down under some interviewers. Oprah likes her exclusives and getting to the heart of the story, not sure how that will work for the notoriously guarded Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson, who have declared that they do not address their personal lives. Also not sure how her audience will react to non-typical starlet Kristen.